Wednesday, May 7, 2014

You Have My Bow! And My Axe! And My Keyboard!

Today, I learned that there is a really cool tool on Google called Google Images. It allows you to search for the origins of an image using its URL. This handy little feature is a real treat to use, especially if you chance upon a picture on a website and don't know where it came from. Another really interesting use for Google Images is to get higher resolution versions of the images you already have. This is possible because most images found on the internet were originally uploaded their original raw form, and then compressed and shrunk down to fit in the bandwidth limits of other websites.

One really creepy experience I had with Google Images was when I randomly searched one of my pictures for fun one day. There was one result that got back from a blog I didn't recognize. It turned out to belong to an ex-army mate of mine that held a grudge against me and had gotten ahold of my picture. He posted a huge rant about some asinine incident where he took offense. It really, really weirded me out. I confronted him about it and he took the post down. Still, it's really creepy what people can do with your pictures online.

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